
Don’t Let Vitamin D Deficiency Ruin Your Health: 5 Symptoms to Watch Out For


Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are common and can range from recurring colds to constant fatigue. It is often referred to as the sunshine vitamin because our bodies produce it when exposed to sunlight, rather than obtaining it from food. Unfortunately, even with the recent sunny weather in Britain, there is a worrying number of people who are deficient in this vital nutrient. Research suggests that one out of every five adults and one out of every six children do not have sufficient levels of vitamin D.

This deficiency is a significant public health concern as long-term insufficient levels of vitamin D have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer. Furthermore, many symptoms that confound doctors may actually be indicators of vitamin D deficiency.

Here are some major signs and symptoms:


Frequent infections:

Vitamin D helps our immune cells fight off germs and viruses. If we don't have enough vitamin D, we are more likely to get sick and take longer to recover. Low levels of vitamin D have also been linked to an increased risk of respiratory infections, including the flu and the common cold.


Vitamin D affects the levels of serotonin in our brain, which is a chemical that regulates our mood. Insufficient serotonin levels can lead to depression and other mental health problems. Research has shown that vitamin D plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy serotonin levels, and inadequate exposure to sunlight, which is a major source of vitamin D, has been linked to an increased risk of depression. Therefore, ensuring adequate intake of vitamin D through diet, supplements, and sunlight exposure is important for maintaining good mental health.


Vitamin D helps us produce energy and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. If we don't have enough vitamin D, we may feel tired and weak. This is because vitamin D plays a crucial role in the functioning of our muscles and nervous system. It also helps us absorb calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth. In addition, vitamin D has been linked to a healthy immune system and may even reduce the risk of certain diseases such as multiple sclerosis and some types of cancer. Therefore, it's important to ensure we're getting enough vitamin D through our diet or exposure to sunlight.

Joint pains or weak bones:

Vitamin D helps regulate calcium and phosphate levels in the body, which are important for bone health. Low levels of vitamin D can lead to osteomalacia (soft bones) and osteoporosis (loss of bone density), as well as increased risk of stress fractures. Insufficient vitamin D can also lead to muscle weakness, increased risk of falls, and compromised immune function. It is important to ensure adequate intake of vitamin D through sunlight exposure, dietary sources, or supplementation to maintain overall bone and muscle health.

Muscle pain:

Vitamin D supports muscle function by enhancing muscle contractions, which are vital for preventing falls and building muscle strength and bones through exercise. Low levels of vitamin D can cause general muscle aches that don't respond to treatment. In addition, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of muscle injuries and a decrease in overall physical performance. It's important to ensure that you are getting enough vitamin D through sunlight, diet, or supplements to support your muscle health and function.

Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency*

Less consumption of food rich in vitamin D: Some foods that contain vitamin D are fatty fish, egg yolks, cheese, mushrooms, and fortified dairy products. However, these foods alone may not meet the daily recommended levels of vitamin D.

Less exposure to sunlight: Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D for your skin. However, many factors can reduce your sun exposure time or intensity, such as living in a cloudy or cold climate, wearing sunscreen or protective clothing, or having darker skin tone.