
Gold Rate in Pakistan

Here are today's gold rates in Pakistan. The following table provides the local gold rates in Sarafa Markets and Local Gold Markets of well-known cities including Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, and Islamabad.

Location 24k 10g 24k per Tola 22k 10g
Pakistan Rs. 182,440 Rs. 212,800 Rs. 167,235
Karachi Rs. 182,440 Rs. 212,800 Rs. 167,235
Lahore Rs. 182,440 Rs. 212,800 Rs. 167,235
Islamabad Rs. 182,440 Rs. 212,800 Rs. 167,235
Rawalpindi Rs. 182,440 Rs. 212,800 Rs. 167,235
Peshawar Rs. 182,440 Rs. 212,800 Rs. 167,235
Quetta Rs. 182,440 Rs. 212,800 Rs. 167,235

Gold Usage and Importance

Gold is one of the most precious and versatile metals in the world. It has been used for various purposes since ancient times, such as jewellery, money, electronics, dentistry, and more. Gold has many unique properties that make it valuable and desirable for different industries and sectors. For example, gold is a very efficient conductor of electricity and heat, which makes it suitable for devices and components that require high performance and reliability. Gold is also very durable and resistant to corrosion, which makes it ideal for applications that involve harsh environments and long-lasting use. Gold is also known for its attractive natural sparkle and its ability to alloy with other metals, which allows it to create different colors and designs. The scarcity and durability of gold make it a popular investment choice for those seeking financial security and stability.

In addition to its numerous practical uses, gold also holds a significant cultural and symbolic value in many societies. It has been associated with wealth, power, and prestige throughout history and is often used as a status symbol in the form of jewellery and other luxury items. Gold is also a popular gift for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, and graduations.

Despite its many benefits, the extraction and processing of gold can have negative environmental and social impacts, such as deforestation, water pollution, and exploitation of workers. Therefore, there is increasing interest in sustainable and ethical practices in the gold industry, including the use of recycled gold and the support of fair trade initiatives.

Overall, gold's unique properties and cultural significance make it a valuable and versatile metal with a wide range of applications and uses.. Hence, gold remains pertinent and significant in diverse ways today.

Factors Affecting Gold Rates

The price of gold is not fixed and can change depending on various factors. Some of the main factors that affect gold prices are:

  • Demand for gold:

    This is the most important factor that influences the price of gold. Demand for gold comes from different sources, such as jewellery, investment, industrial use, central bank reserves, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The demand for gold depends on the preferences and needs of consumers and investors in different regions and markets. For example, jewellery demand is higher in countries like India and China, where gold is seen as a symbol of wealth and status.

  • Supply of gold:

    Supply of gold: This is another major factor that affects the price of gold. Supply of gold comes from different sources, such as mining production, recycling, central bank sales, and official sales by governments or other entities. The supply of gold depends on the availability and cost of mining operations, the efficiency and profitability of recycling processes, the policies and regulations of central banks or governments related to buying or selling gold, market conditions and expectations for future supply are important factors to consider.

  • Value of the US dollar:

    This is a third important factor that affects the price of gold. The value of the US dollar is determined by various factors,such as interest rates, inflation, trade balance,and market sentiment. The value of the US dollar affects the price of gold because gold is priced in US dollars in most markets around the world.Therefore, a stronger US dollar tends to lower the price of gold and vice versa.

  • Inflation:

    This is a fourth important factor that affects the price of gold.Inflation is the slow rise in the costs of goods and services, resulting in a decrease in the buying power of money and a reduction in its value. Inflation affects the price of gold because gold is seen as a hedge against inflation. Gold retains its value over time because it does not lose its purchasing power due to inflation. Therefore, a higher inflation rate tends to increase the price of gold and vice versa.

  • Uncertainty:

    This is a fifth important factor that affects the price of gold. Uncertainty refers to a lack of clarity or predictability about future events or outcomes. Uncertainty affects the price of gold because uncertainty creates risk aversion among investors and consumers who prefer to hold safe-haven assets that can protect them from potential losses or losses. Gold is considered a safe-haven asset because it has intrinsic value that does not depend on external factors such as economic conditions or political stability. Therefore, a higher level of uncertainty tends to increase the price of gold and vice versa.

How many grams are there in one Tola of Gold in Pakistan? In Pakistan, the current conversion of one tola of gold is equal to 11.667 grams.

How many Tolas are there in one ounce of Gold in Pakistan? In Pakistan, the current conversion of one ounce of gold is equal to 2.43 tolas.

How many grams are there in one ounce of Gold in Pakistan? In Pakistan, the current conversion of one ounce of gold is equal to 28.35081 grams.